Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy V Day Lovers

I embrace valentines day in all its pink and red goodness. I love sugar cookies for every holiday, but I think I found a new favorite: using heart cookie cutters on brownies. So cute. You should try it out.

If you want a nice pick-me-up, check out a perfect collection of love songs on Jen's blog. I particularly love Bright Eyes' "First Day of My Life."

Go Rebs.


Sarah said...

Thanks for the idea with the brownie thing! I am so going to try it.

Linda said...

It's been a while since I have checked your blog. I love like the last 5 posts and especially the public dance thing. That's hilariuos....

jen said...

Thanks for the shout out friend. Hope your Valentines Day was fabulous. See you this weekend!