Thankfully, my mom ordered some so I'll sneak a few.
I can't think of girl scout cookies without thinking of this: [can't get it to embed, so you'll have to check out the link. totally worth the click]
You were seriously deprived as a child if you didn't experience Troop Beverly Hills.
Here's a fun pic of super-cool Jenny Lewis now. She's come a long way.

Photo found at [I Heart You]
Um, this is one of my favorites movies ever. I could sing you that whole song from top to bottom right now. I mentioned it to one of the gals I work with, and she had never heard of it. What a sad existence.
Kendal, Amazing Fat Kid Video. Matt ordered two boxes at work, I'm so excited, except he can't remember what kinds he got. Hello, that's the most important thing to remember.
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