Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Guilty as charged

Another write club assignment.

Guilty as charged.

Guilty of:
Spending way too much money on a killer pair of heels
Not listening to voicemails
Piling clothes in the nook between my dresser and the wall
Celebrating every holiday I can with themed sugar cookies and festive outfit day of
Keeping old Newsweeks even though I’ll never read them again
Staying at the gym until I’ve burned off all the calories I ate that day
Eating a pudding cup as a sweet treat every night
Going one day too many without washing my hair
Baking something almost every Sunday because it’s somewhat therapeutic, then giving it away
Keeping my car trunk really messy
Dreaming up a new career path every time something inspires me

Guilty pleasures:
M&Ms—of any and all varieties
Eyebrow wax
Sex & the City reruns
New highlighters and other school supplies
Online recipe blogs
Writing to-do lists and crossing things off them
Staying home on a Friday night, in PJs by 8, chick flick, extra-large frozen yogurt for dinner
Bookstores and libraries
TV on DVD marathons
Girls dinners
Does sugar count as a guilty pleasure?
…to name a few.


Kristen said...

Ditto. On the pudding cup :)

Colin M said...

My list would take up your whole page!

Erin King said...

Can I just say, that I love reading your write club posts. And ps- My mom raved about you and how fabulous you looked and how impressive you are when she ran into you at the baby shower! :) I wanted to be there to chat with the neighborhood! :(