Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter idea for your man/friend/roommate/parent...

I love doing cheesy things for the holidays. The blogosphere has taken things to a whole new level. I get so many ideas from blogland, take a little from here and there, and come up with something of my own. I think this blog will start to focus on some of these gift-giving ideas or small ways to show someone you love or appreciate them.

For Easter this year, I decided to do a six-day countdown for the bf. I saw different countdown ideas on a few blogs, like here, and here.
I also liked these cute "egg"-spressions/phrases.

I combined these and some other ideas for my own countdown. Each egg had one silly "egg" saying, and a small gift. Some days the gift was a personalized coupon, like homemade dinner of your choice, and some were gift cards - like a $10 card to panda express. Inexpensive, but personal.

Fortunately, he humors my holiday craziness.

This idea could be done without eggs and for other holidays or as a "just because." A little goes a long way.

1 comment:

jen said...

great idea. you've always been a great gift giver. thanks for sharing your ideas.

and welcome back to blogworld. i've missed you.